Swimming Lessons With Harley
At swimming I learnt how to get on a boat safely and I also learnt how to carry
my friend to safety if anything bad happens in the water. The really fun thing
was when I was underneath the boat when it turned over with my class
It was pretty challenging when the instructors told me to flip over off the boat
as I couldn't flip with my life jacket on because it was pulling me down
under the water. Another challenge was when I had to swim on my stomach
with my life jacket, the water kept pushing my life jacket upto my face which
made me struggle to breath. A pretty hard challenge was when i had to
swim with sonny and calais, we had to swim on our backs while linked
with our legs, this was hard because we were all leaning on each other
and i was at the front of the line which made me carry everyone's weight.
It was really fun when we raced each other and I came first! There were
many fun highlights of swimming lessons. The most exciting part
of swimming was on the boat where we learned about boat safety
and survival skills if anything bad ever happened while we were out on a boat.
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